As the shape of a storm (an outline of its anvil) and its horizontal extent witness to a certain degree about the environment in which the storm takes a place, as well as the updraft strength of the storm (both of which can be related to storm severity). It is convenient to convert the images from their native satellite projection into one of the standard geographical projections (such as Polar Stereographic, Mercator, Gnomonic, or many others), configured for a particular area. Moreover, remapped satellite images can be more easily compared to other data - such as weather charts, various NWP model outputs, radar imagery and others, or even overlaid by these data. Typically, the remapped satellite images show the shape of a storm more realistically, which makes their use for nowcasting purposes more reliable. Below, is as an example of the remapped image. We see the same storm as in Fig. 1c, after being remapped into the standard Mercator projection.
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When remapping satellite image data from the original satellite projection (either geostationary projection, or a "swath" projection for the polar-orbiting satellite), it is - in general - more secure to zoom into the image, rather than shrink it (zoom out). Decreasing (degrading) the image resolution may result in loss of some of the most important pixels, such as those showing the coldest tops. The cloud-top brightness temperature (BT) minimum can be limited to one pixel only, and loosing such a pixel entirely or averaging it with its surrounding warmer pixels while remapping the image may produce unrepresentative characteristics of the storm top, and thus seemingly diminish the risk the storm may pose.